RMJfA- FW: ARAN: east boulder rec center - killing rats (and probably mice, birds, etc)

Monday, May 2, 2011
Hey Kellie -- Sorry I didn't get this right back to you.  I've been under the weather.  I see you got other msgs with info.  Hope it helps.  If you have any other questions, I don't think Jan would mind if you send them to her.

From: Jan Stern <ratattackteam@toast.net>
Tue, 26 Apr 2011 07:36:35 -0500
To: Judy Reed <AnimalVoices@earthlink.net>
Subject: Re: ARAN: east boulder rec center - killing rats (and probably mice, birds, etc)

1st, what are the irrigation lines made of? Plastic? Rats love plastic for some reason ;-) Could these lines be buried or have aluminum/steel lines put in? 2nd, what else is attracting rats? Rats will stay where water & food/shelter is. Have them clean up, put garbage in steel garbage cans with tight lids. They could also use cedar chips in the flower beds as cedar isn't good for rodents.

They're right about trying to trap outside, rats go into heat every 5days or so & have 4-14 babies! Take away their food source and safety (plug holes, clean, remove things that can be used as nests etc) Rats like most animals learn that humans mean food! Also hate to say this, but a good snap trap is the fastest, most humane way to die. Not those silly little mouse traps either, they do make bigger ones for rats! They do make a nasty live trap but I've found that the pest control people don't check them & ya, poor thing dies from starvation & dehydration! Rat pellets aren't the answer either, very inhumane as are glue traps.

Tell Leann? that rats do NOT carry disease, it's their mites & parasites -duh. That's why rats get such a bad rap. Even wild rats are very clean. Also, rats adapt very well to new environments, why do you think they are such survivors. Rats & cockroaches will be here after humans are gone!

And tell Kelly-- hooray for her! How do ya think I started my trip down animal rights-- I rescued Wile E! ok, he was a domestic but he was outside fending for himself.

Hope that helped some, talk to the rec center about the lines & tidying up the place!


On Mon, Apr 25, 2011 at 11:14 PM, Judy Reed <AnimalVoices@earthlink.net> wrote:
I am sending this to a rat expert I know for suggestions to use in a letter.   The most important  action to take is to prepare a letter that lots of us can send to the management of the rec center.  That will take a little research to find out who is in charge, the name, address, fax, email, etc.  Sounds like you have the start of a good letter Kellie.  I'll let you know what my friend says, and perhaps we can incorporate it.  If you start it, I'll edit and prepare an alert, if you like.


on 4/25/11 8:32 PM, wuzzle5@aol.com at wuzzle5@aol.com wrote:

i was leaving the east boulder rec center this afternoon when i saw a dead rat attached to a mouse trap by the little flower garden in the center of the driveway.  i was definitely not happy so i picked the trap up, brought it into the rec center, up to the front desk, hung the dead rat in front of whoever was there, and asked who was trapping rats outside.  they said the landscapers are trapping rats because they are chewing through the irrigation tubes/lines.  supposedly theyve "tried everything else," like this was a last option.  i doubt it.

i think this is horrible and stupid for a number of reasons.  not only should these rats not be killed because they are living beings, but killing a few rats is not going to keep them from chewing irrigation lines.  the east boulder rec center is right across from open space.  so you kill a few rats in some traps you buy at target.  a billion other rats are just going to come over from open space to take their place.. it just seems completely nonsensicle to me that they would do this.  the other thing is that when you put a mouse trap out like that, you are going to kill mice, rats, maim birds, etc.  it is irresponsible in so many ways.  i dont think humane traps are the answer either since the same thing will happen.  plus, if the landscapers ever tried humane traps, i bet they wouldnt check them enough and the rats or mice would die inside of them from exposure.  

i think the best course of action would be to find something to go around the irrigation lines so the rats couldn't chew them or maybe east boulder needs to realise that chewed irrigation lines is always going to be an issue and they just need to deal with it.  does anyone have any landscaping experience/ideas for dealing with animals chewing on irrigation lines?  im sure this isnt the first time landscapers have had to deal with this.  i am going to write to the east boulder rec center about the situation, but i would like to do some brainstorming first.  anyone who buys passes or a membership to any of the boulder rec centers might want to write in, too.  it was really sad to see the little grey rat dead like that... :(



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