The Days of Johann - an agility dog!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The Days of Johann - an agility dog!

Link to The Days of Johann, an agility dog!

Howling Howliday Contributor Spotlight - 51 Puppy Tricks by Kyra Sundance!

Posted: 08 Dec 2009 06:36 AM PST

We got a bunch of the giveaways in last week. I think the Brown Dude and the Fed Ex Dude were stopping at our house everyday for five days straight!

Mum had a bit of a challenge keeping us out of the boxes. BOL!

You know how much I love tricks, so I was super happy that Kyra Sundance wanted to donate one of her books to the giveaway. And we got it the other day.

It's 51 Puppy Tricks and has lots of great, fun tricks, with pawsome photography throughout the book to help you have a fun time!

Kyra is also author to some other great trick books & DVDs, stop by her website and check 'em all out! Oh, and don't forget to meet Chalcy!!!

Thanks Kyra! We sure appreciate you participating in Johann's Howling Howliday Giveaway!

Howling Howliday Contributor Spotlight - TrueBlue Pets

Posted: 08 Dec 2009 06:35 AM PST

How generous!!! The folks at TrueBlue sent their entire collection of pet grooming products as a donation for Johann's Howling Howliday Giveaway!

The folks at TrueBlue believe in great grooming, naturally!

The kit they donated includes TrueBlue's SuperFresh Dog Shampoo, Moisture Rich Conditioing Creme, Natural Balance Conditioning Shampoo, EasyComb Detangling Spray, Pure and Sure Puppy Shampoo, Fast and Fresh Dental Swipes, Super Easy Ear Wipes, and Safe and Sure Eye Wipes, Wow!

The company says that all of their products feature pure, pet-safe, botanical ingredients and fresh, natural scents. And they are detergent-free, tear-free, easy-to-rinse, pH-balanced for pets, hypo-allergenic, bio-degradable, and cruelty-free with no sulfates, parabens, or artificial colors.

You know how much we love eco-friendly, safe and green...very cool. Thanks TrueBlue for donating such pawsome gifts for my Howliday Giveaway!


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