RMJfA- Help needed to trap cats left behind by hoarder

Thursday, August 4, 2011


Can anyone help trap these cats, please?  They have a place to go.  
Please contact Linda if you can help!
Thank you,

Begin forwarded message:

From: "L Rinelli" <lrinelli@seniorhub.org>
Date: August 4, 2011 12:03:56 PM MDT
To: "'erica rambus'" <ericarambus@gmail.com>
Subject: Announcement for help

Four cats were left behind at the home of a hoarder.  These indoor cats have been left to fend for themselves for the last week and a half.  Wildlife has been posing a dangerous situation for these cats.  I need some help in trapping them up in the Federal Heights North Denver area.  Call me or e mail at the numbers below.  We have someone who can monitor the traps.  I can get traps if need be.  HELP.!

Linda Rinelli, Volunteer Coordinator
Respite Care & In-Home Supportive Services
12101 E. 2nd Avenue, Suite 106
Aurora, CO  80011
720-859-2248   Fax:  720-859-2428

A Neighbor's Independence Depends on You!



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