RMJfA- Fwd: Daily Action: Think You Can't Live Without Cheese and Meat?

Thursday, August 11, 2011

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August 10, 2011
Does giving up meat or dairy sound hard? Maybe you should get vegucated!
The documentary film Vegucated follows three meat-loving New Yorkers who choose to try a vegan diet for six weeks. Through their journey there are highs, lows and learning experiences about what it takes to ditch meat and dairy.
If you're curious about how normal, everyday people are able to give up animal products -- or why they would -- this film is a great way to learn. It's also fun to watch!
For today's Daily Action, watch the trailer and learn more about the film Vegucated.
alternative action Recover from a Sleep Deficit
With work, exercise, eating, friends, kids, family...it can be difficult to get a full eight hours of sleep every night. For today's Secondary Action, learn how to recover from a sleep deficit.
In This Issue of Care2's Daily Action
No Tar Sands Bananas!
Sad Banana act now!
Dole and Chiquita bananas travel over 3,000 miles to your fruit bowl with dirty fuel from Tar Sands.
care2's quote of the day
"If a man aspires toward a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals."
--Leo Tolstoy, Russian author.
Kellie's Success Journal:   You have taken 237 actions to date!
Recent Daily Actions Action Taken? Total Impact
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Samer Thank you for taking action!

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