Tuesday, August 2, 2011


From: compassiondivine
Date: Tue, 2 Aug 2011 05:33:29 -0600

Hi Bernadette,

You have a lot of good contacts, so thought you might know someone re the note below.  All I know is what I read.  The friend who forwarded it to me adopted an Airedale from this group.


Hi everyone,

IT'S 'RAINING' RESCUED AIREDALES IN COLORADO!!! I  desperately need foster homes.  If you, or you know of anyone who would be able to foster; I would be so grateful. 


2 Airedales coming in together mid-August.  Owner surrender. Brother and sister age 2 1/2 yrs old.  They both get along well with other dogs.  Very nice looking Airedales. Photos available.


1 female coming in on Saturday.  Owner surrender.  Sweet dog and very active age

1 yr 8 months. Loves other dogs big and small.   Photo available.


1 male coming in (probably) tomorrow.  Owner surrender.  Do not have age yet, but older than the others.  Timid but gets along with other dogs.  Will need lots of TLC. Photo available.


PRIORITY!   One young male from a shelter. Cody has been in training for a few weeks and now needs a foster home. He is 1 1/2 years old. He came from out of state and I was assured he was a purebred. The photo of his face looked like a young Airedale with more black like a puppy.  I thought perhaps he was younger than they thought but when he arrived it was obvious that he is 99.9% Airedale. Very close but not quite. He is a loveable guy who needs a foster home with another dog where he can play and also a home where he will receive the attention he craves.  He's very cute and I will send a photo if you or you know of anyone who might be interested in fostering him.  He cannot stay at the pet resort where he's been for training and socialization with other

dogs much longer and I have no place for him to go.  PLEASE let me know if you can help this boy until I can find him a forever home.  Photo available.  


If you are interested in fostering one of these dogs or know of someone who might; I will be happy to send a photo. They are all really nice dogs.  Unfortunately, they all share a common problem (except for  Cody):  they are losing the only home they have ever known through no fault of their own.  Any and all help would be greatly appreciated for their sake. 

Thanks so much,

Priscilla Lundblad

State Coordinator

ATRA Colorado


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