RMJfA- Vegan Question

Sunday, July 24, 2011
Hi Fellow List/Group Members,

If you receive this message more than once, because you happen to belong to more than 1 group that I belong to, I apologize in advance and I thank you for your patience.  Everyone doesn't belong to 1 common list or group, so this is the only way I can reach the most people in our community.

I need some help with an unscientific survey/question.

If you happen to be vegan, or are working on going vegan, this question is for you.  Please only respond if your answer is yes.

Question:  If you have ever been shopping in a Natural Grocers by Vitamin Cottage (or called with a question or order) and mentioned you are vegan or are looking into going vegan and had a Vitamin Cottage employee respond with a less than positive, non-neutral or negative comment about a vegan diet, please let me know in a personal email.  I would like to know the details and store location, if you don't mind, but if you prefer to respond with a simple yes, that will be totally fine.  I would like to hear from you, even if you have already previously told me about your situation in person or a personal email.

If you start a new email, please use the same subject line and include my question with your response.

If you have heard of this happening to a vegan/prevegan friend who isn't on one of these lists, please feel free to pass this on to them and ask they to let me know.

Your messages will be kept entirely private and will not be shared with anyone, without your written permission.

Thank you, All!


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        See you there!

Think of me tonight, for that which you savor.
Did it give you something real, or could you taste the pain of my death in its flavor?
   ~Wayne K. Tolson "Food Forethought"


Get involved!  The World is run by people who show up.  ~Unknown


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