RMJfA- Denver Post - Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Saturday, July 9, 2011
Page 10B - Letters-To-Editor

RE: Suspect in Denver Puppy stabbing charged with a felony, June 30 online news story.
The man charged with animal cruelty for slashing his bulldog puppy's face with a knife needs more than punishment if convicted. He claims he stabbed the dog after she bit him, but a 5-month-old puppy is no match for a grown man under any circumstances. A reaction of such a severe and violent nature indicates a problem best addressed by a psychological evaluation. As a psychologist who studies animal abuse cases, I see this kind of behavior all too often. Individuals capable of this kind of violence can be capable of lashing out at others. To get to the root of this behavior, treatment under a program called AniCare (used in Colorado and nationwide) can help prevent a recurrence of violence toward another animal or possibly toward a human being.
Kenneth Shapiro
Washington Grove, MD
The writer is executive director of the Animals and Society Institute, Inc.

Man's inhumanity to man is surpassed only by his inhumanity to animals.
Linda Goldman
Laramie, WY


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