RMJfA- Fw: Fwd: Charlie

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Please forward to any friends who live in the Vail area.

-----Forwarded Message-----
From: erica rambus
Sent: Jun 8, 2011 3:52 PM
To: erica rambus
Subject: Fwd: Charlie

Begin forwarded message:

From: Joan Casey <jccasey01@earthlink.net>
Date: June 8, 2011 3:35:34 PM MDT
Subject: Fw: Charlie
Reply-To: Joan Casey <jccasey01@earthlink.net>

Hi, I am sending you this in the hope that you can be on the lookout for Charlie.  He is believed stolen from Vail as the front door or the house and the gate were open.  Charlie belongs to the son of a friend and long-time animal advocate, Blondie Vucich.  Please be on the lookout for him.  Thank you very much.  joan
-----Forwarded Message----- 
From: Tom Vucich 
Sent: Jun 8, 2011 9:59 AM 
To: "jccasey01@earthlink.net" 
Subject: Charlie 


Hi Joan--Attached are photos of Charlie and a description is below.  If you need anything else you can email Blondie or call either of our cell phones.  
Charlie is a 3 year-old neutered male, black with a white chest, a "Schnoodle" (Schnauzer-Poodle mix), 20 lbs.,  and last wearing a "flame" collar with tags.  Charlie has been micro-chipped, too.
Thanks so much for any assistance with finding him. 
 Tom and Blondie

From: Peter Vucich [vucichp@gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, June 06, 2011 12:55 AM
To: Tom Vucich
Here are a few pictures of Charlie.


-Schnoodle (schnauzer-poodle)
-20 pounds
-Black with a white chest
-Flame Collar
-Last seen in Sandstone 70 in Vail
Please call Peter Vucich with any information


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