RMJfA- Fw: Fwd: Beautiful Shepherd needs a new home

Monday, June 13, 2011

-----Forwarded Message-----
From: erica rambus
Sent: Jun 13, 2011 5:03 PM
To: erica rambus
Subject: Fwd: Beautiful Shepherd needs a new home

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Stephanie Erway" <stephanie@furrpetsake.com>
Date: June 10, 2011 9:51:33 PM MDT
To: "'Stephanie Erway'" <stephanie@furrpetsake.com>
Subject: Beautiful Shepherd needs a new home

All I ask is that you read this email through to the end…..if you are not interested
In the dog that is ok no need to let me know that.  But if you send this on, just
Give me a heads up that you did send it on.  That way if I get a response then I
Will know that it was someone you know rather than some lab wanting to do
Experiments on a dog.  Thanks in advance everyone for your help in helping me
Place this beautiful pure bred German Shepherd.
Good Morning Everyone,
Please help me find this loving dog a home by forwarding on to your friends and
co-workers and anyone else you can think of to send it too.  This is not a scam and
yes this dog is in need of a great home.  I hope you will forgive me for asking
for help to find her a home. 
Nikki who needs a home2.jpg    Shephard needing a home.jpg
The above pictures are of Nikki, a very sweet loving pure bred German shepherd. 
Four years old, loves kids and kitties but not so good with other dogs.  Tends to be
A tad dog aggressive.  She is in a home right now as you can see and  is just not so
Happy with the two other dogs that live there.  She needs a good home that would
Not have any other dogs but cats would be ok to have.  She tends to mother the
Cats.  I have met this dog and she is a very sweet dog.  She does have a strong will
At times but once you give her a command she calms down. 
Please I know that a lot of you do not want or need a dog but I would love it if you
Would pass it on to your friends and ask if they would pass it on.  This dog really needs
A good home soon.  I try not to ask my clients often to do this but I love Nikki and
She is an awesome dog and if I had the space and time she needs I would take her.
My cats would love to have a dog that loves them too.
Please do not just trash this….this is not a joke or scam.  If anyone would like to see
Her, just email me here or call my cell phone that is listed below and I will call you back.
The dog belongs to my vet's accountant. 
Stephanie Erway 
  Furr Pet Sake
Where your PET
  is considered
Head of the House


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