Pets, Your 2/21/2011 FTLTD Blog Digest

Monday, February 21, 2011


Devoted to you and your canine companion as well as all dogs, you'll find current dog news, canine advocacy, health, welfare, food & nutrition, wonderful writings and poetry, videos and even dog humor.

Another Shot at Justice for Phoenix
 2011-02-10 14:18:42-05

There may be another attempt to bring the Johnson Twins back to trial.  Baltimore prosecutors are holding a series of meetings to determine whether to retry the animal cruelty case against twin brothers Travers and Tremayne Johnson, which ended in mistrial.  If the case is retried, it won’t be immediate. A May 4 [...]


Valentines Day for your Pup
 2011-02-13 20:34:44-05

WOW!  Is that something or what?  It's the world's most expensive diamond dog collar according to Forbes.  Labeled "Amour, Amour", it's one of the I Love Dogs Diamonds La Collection De Bijoux.

It's got over 1,600 hand-set diamonds and features a stunning 7-carat, diamond centerpiece. The diamonds total 52 carats set in platinum and [...]


First Dogs
 2011-02-21 12:17:30-05

A home is not complete without a dog.  Including the White House.  Dogs have graced presidential homes starting with the first president, George Washington.  They ran and played on the White House grounds, ran through the hallways, terrorized staff, held press conferences, photo ops, and molded National policy.  Here are a [...]



Deanna Raeke

Deanna Raeke
Dog Lover & Proud Pet Parent

I am passionate when it comes to my canine companions as well as dogs everywhere. It is my mission to raise awareness of any issues that affect them, from their health, food and nutrition and training to their welfare. Canine advocacy is something that everyone who cares about dogs needs to be aware of and we all need to share that and raise our voice for those who cannot speak for themselves.

For the Love of the Dog is my small effort to do that.
Please, won't you help me!

4590 138th Street, Chippewa Falls, WI 54729, USA

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