
Thursday, April 29, 2010


Coyotes and Greyhounds

Posted: 27 Apr 2010 02:10 PM PDT

Larry_McDaniel_thinking_on_rocks If you read the NY Times this week you may have seen a piece about hunting Coyotes with Greyhounds. The article was in the Sports section of the paper. If this is a sport, where I can find the "Dog Fighting" results for the week? I'm being facetious of course,  but it makes my blood boil to read about this kind of nonsense. 

You can read the article yourself if you have the stomach for it. I prefer to come down on the side of Judy Paulson of Greyhound Companions of New Mexico. She calls a spade a spade when she points out that many Greyhounds end up getting injured or worse in this so called sport. Not to mention the poor Coyotes.
Several states have outlawed this activity on humane grounds. They liken it to nothing more than dog fighting in the guise of hunting. Oklahoma, of course considers it a legitimate sport. 
It's hard to figure out what can be done about this. The "hunter" quoted in the article seems past hope. I can't think of a politician in Oklahoma who would consider this anything other that a good ole time in theTwiggy-being-camera-shy country. Can you imagine James Imhofe, chief climate change denier and senior Senator from Oklahoma, coming down on the side of the Coyote, or the Greyhound for that matter? More likely to sponsor a Coyote Hunter Hall of Fame in Enid.
In the last paragraph the "hunter" decries any opposition to his activities. He is unapologetic about his pursuits and his other bizarre opinions. He's worried someone might pass a law an put an end to his fun. He doesn't have a very high opinion of the legal system and offers that the good lord will judge him when the time comes. 
My only words of advice for him- be careful what you wish for.


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