
Sunday, April 18, 2010


It's Be the Change Day - Join Us in Helping Shelters

Posted: 16 Apr 2010 09:49 AM PDT

Pets-Without-Parents Today is Be the Change day in the blogosphere. We pet people are all writing blog posts about Be the Change, to help raise funds for Pets Without Parents, and/or any deserving shelter you recommend. I've found a few great blog posts on the topic, and I thought I'd share.

Over on BlogPaws, I did a post on Peace for Pets, helping hospice patients keep their pets at home with them.

Others are jumping enthusiastically on the Be the Change band wagon - because it's really and truly up to us, isn't it? I hope you'll read these blog posts, maybe comment, and then go write one of your own. We need all the voices we can get singing the praises of Be the Change!

1. Romeo the cat - He's ALL about change and pets and raising funds. A good friend to have. (and he's so adorable! hence the name "Romeo".)

2. Just Meowin' - This kitty is all about raising funds, being the change, helping humans get it right. Check him out and join the meowin' conversation.

3. Be the Change in Older Dogs - This is close to my heart. I think of the older dogs that are abandoned or left in shelters because their pet parents are on hard times, and my heart aches. Let's hear it for our senior pets. (check out her BEAUTIFUL header!)

4. Surfing Pooch Inspires Pay It Forward Day - Pay It Forward Day is April 29th, but we can all get a head start by joining Be the Change, today. Join up on the BlogPaws twibe. All of our pet pals (anipals!) are Pawsome!

5. The K9 Chronicles is working to Be the Change. They were at BlogPaws (yay!) and we love the way they work to help our canine friends.AmIBoringMyDog

6. If you don't know Will My Dog Hate Me? it's time you did! Edie has one of the best dog blogs, and she has a fantastically wonderful book, Am I Boring My Dog? Read her post, buy her book, get to know her and Frankie.

7. Drs Foster and Smith are also supporting the Be the Change by committing to a donation every time someone comments on their blog post! OMG! How kewl is that? Get over and comment, already! Please...

8. And, on twitter, you can show your support by adding the Be the Change Ribbon to your avatar. I'm off to do just that.

Share other blog posts and get on twitter to spread the word! I'm @mypetblog.


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