
Thursday, April 1, 2010


The Grumpy Old Lady Settles In

Posted: 27 Mar 2010 09:30 AM PDT

A-little-privacy-please It seems like we're here to stay, I guess. Mom and Tom sit at their 'puters all day, every day (except when they go out that front door and don't take me - it sure looks neat out there), and then they relax upstairs on my bed, at night.

I get a chance to tiptoe around Mom's desk once in awhile, but not nearly often enough. I'm sure there are toys and food on that desk that I should be checking on. Last week, as you can see here, she gave me some of her cereal milk - I do like that - except when sheMy-little-corner-of-the-couch points that camera thing at me!

So, I can settle in. On my sofa, right behind Mom's desk. That's where I like it best. Except when other people come and sit next to me. Honestly, can't they tell it's not big enough for two? Don't they know it's there JUST for me?

And that's no April Fools joke! (what is April Fools anyway? It's surely not a cat thing!)


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