
Friday, March 12, 2010


The Grumpy Old Lady Gets Our Attention

Posted: 12 Mar 2010 09:53 AM PST

PandoraNapping-small Last night we had to put Wabby Wibby's bowl up out of reach. Today she is at the vet's getting her teeth cleaned. No food or water after 10 pm last night! Oh my, what a trial that was! Here's how it went:

10:30 pm: "Mom, where's my dish? It's gone. Mom, where's my dish, it's gone...MOM WHERE'S MY DISH!" In her best wailing as if she's being tortured voice.

11:30 pm: " MOM - I still can't find my dish. I'm down the bottom of the stairs. Yes, I saw the light go off...but, can you please, please come down and find my bowl? PLEASE MOM!" In that whining, why is life so unfair, voice she has.

1:00 am: "I'm so sad. My bowl is gone. I'm hungry. Is anybody up there awake? Can somebody come andI-better-check-this-blog-post find my bowl?" In her softest voice...almost like a purr...but easily heard from our room.

2:00 am: "Mom? Are you awake?" As she pokes my face, having come up on the bed to use her kitty wiles to get my attention. "Mom, someone took my bowl. I'm hungry. Can't you help me?" Big kitty eyes staring at me in the darkness.

3:00 am: Moving over to the other side of the bed, "Tom? Hey, are you awake? Mom won't help me. Can  you help me? I really need a snack. I'm really hungry," as she pokes him in the eye with her paw., over and over again.

Yes-its-dinnertime-mom 5:00 am: "Hey you GUYS! I was really patient all night - I NEED MY BREAKFAST EARLY! Hey YOU GUYS!" Sitting at the bottom of the stairs wailing at the top of her lungs - once, twice, three times.

5:10 am: Standing in the doorway of the bedroom, "ANYBODY in here? SOMEBODY needs to feed me! I LOST MY BOWL - IS THE DOG IN HERE? Did the DOG take MY TREATS? MOMMMMMmmmmm.... " With panic in her voice and an insistence that finally gets me out of bed.

5:30: "Meow. Over here...I'll show's gone. No bowl. No midnight snack. NoLovely-kitty-Wabby-Wibby breakfast."

That's right, Wabby - no breakfast. At 7:00 we need to get in the cat carrier and go to the vet.

"What? I can't hear you! Breakfast, I need breakfast."

Finally, 7:00 am: "Wait, what are you doing? I don't wanna get in there. No, no...I need breakfast. What..wait..." MEOW, MEOW, MEOW!"


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