
Friday, December 11, 2009


Scratchings & Sniffings Out Loud: Senior Cats - Part I

Posted: 11 Dec 2009 12:51 PM PST

This is a Scratchings & Sniffings Out Loud with Dr. Larry and Dr. Grace. It's a continuing conversation covering cats. Today we're talking about senior cats and how to care for them. As most of you know, the Wabby Wibby, Queen kitty at this house, is a 'senior' cat. (Part II will be posted early next week)

Interestingly, as you'll learn in the podcast, senior can mean something different to you and me, than it does to our vet. (oh, not that much different - but, our vet's are trained to watch for changes we aren't necessarily aware of, and sometimes our cats hide illness so well, we miss a lot; especially as they age)

We know that our pets age faster - the common expectation is 7 years for every one of ours - but is that true, and if so, what does it mean? Dr. Larry and Dr. Grace get into the nitty-gritty, because they know we all want our kitties to live long and healthy lives. I expect my Wabby, who is 17, to be around for at least 5 more years. Well, one does have high hopes, you know.


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