The Days of Johann - an agility dog!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Days of Johann - an agility dog!

Link to The Days of Johann, an agility dog!

Howliday Howliday Contributor Spotlight - Inside of a Dog

Posted: 23 Dec 2009 03:18 AM PST

The publishers of the recently released book "Inside of a Dog" written by Alexandra Horowitz sent us a copy of the book as a contribution for my Howliday Giveway.

Alexandra, who earned her PhD in Cognitive Science at the University of California at San Diego, and has studied the cognition of humans, rhinoceros, bonobos, and dogs, teaches psychology at Barnard College, Columbia University. For seventeen years she shared her home with an unwitting research subject, Pumpernickel, a wonderful mixed breed.

The publishers were also super kind to send us a copy to read as well! And we've really been enjoying it. You know how much Mum would just love to get into my head, BOL!!!

Mum's always been a pretty perceptive sort...especially when it comes to me. She had to, being her first dog, I gave her a lot to learn. But she is picking up some tips from the book to understand me just a little more, and Gracie especially! Here's a little video about the book....

Big thanks to Alexandra for writing "Inside of a Dog", and for her publisher to provide us with a copy to review (which we'll do in full when we finish the book), and the contribution to Johann's Howling Howliday Giveaway.

Howling Howliday Contributor Spotlight - Petit Four Legs!

Posted: 22 Dec 2009 04:20 AM PST

OMD...Gingerbread Men!

The nice folks at Petit Four Legs sent us two boxes of their Gingerbread Men treats for Johann's Howling Howliday Giveaway!

All Petit Four Legs dog treats are handmade in small batches using natural ingredients. That's why they're proud to say they're making the best dog treats humanly possible.

Visit their website and check out all the amazing treats...from Truffles to Cupcake Mix to Peanut Butter and more. They're not only yummy their very beautiful to look at too!

Thank you Petit Four Legs for donating to my Giveaway!!!

Howling Howliday Contributor Spotlight - 2 Hounds Design!

Posted: 22 Dec 2009 04:18 AM PST

Collars galore!!! What dog doesn't want a nice stylish variety of collars :)

The good folks at 2 Hounds Design are contributing a pawsome gift certificate to one lucky winner of Johann's Howling Howliday Giveaway!

They have only custom-made, creative and comfortable designer dog collars for medium, large and extra-large breeds. From dog collars with side release snaps to stylish greyhound collars with a limited slip loop, 2 Hounds Design keeps your pet on the cutting edge of fashion.

I was thinking that Gracie would look very nice in this Freesia hand-made collar, don't you think so?

Thank you to 2 Hounds Design for contributing to my giveaway!

Howling Howliday Contributor Spotlight - Honest Kitchen!

Posted: 22 Dec 2009 04:17 AM PST

The good folks at Honest Kitchen sent some pawsome yums as contributions to give some lucky winners of Johann's Howling Howliday Giveaway!

Check it out...we got in samples of their foods, boxes of their treats, and they are also sending us three of their new recipe books, "Made Out of Love."

Honest Kitchen offers completely gluten-free, grain-free diets and all their products are guaranteed 100% wheat free. All their grains are certified organic, meats are hormone, antibiotic free and their fruits and vegetables are guaranteed non GMO.

Super thanks to Honest Kitchen for providing some pawsome foods, treats and more to my Giveaway!


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