The Days of Johann - an agility dog!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Days of Johann - an agility dog!

Link to The Days of Johann, an agility dog!

A little construction!

Posted: 07 Dec 2009 05:56 AM PST

Good morning!!!

You may have noticed that Mum and I did a little construction on my blog this weekend.

We changed from two column to three column, and put a lot of the agility related info, links, etc., right next to the blog posts so you could find them more easily.

Sure hope you like it...let me know what ya think, K? We love feedback :)

This weekend, Mum tortured me through a 30 minute product shoot for all the blog posts coming this week highlighting the super, duper contributors & contributions to my Howling Howliday Giveaway. Awwww, just kidding, there's no way I could be tortured if I got treats every time I posed, right!!! Now that that is all done, I sure won't need any best fat burner, BOL!!!

If you haven't entered the Howliday Giveaway, don't hesitate, don't delay (hey, that rhymes!). The sooner you enter, the sooner you can get some pawsome votes. And remember, if you have any troubles uploading, or any troubles with the gallery, just email me (click on the button to the right), I'm super happy to help ya.

Also this weekend, Mum and I cleaned, and cleaned and cleaned...well, I mostly barked at the Dyson. And I helped Mum do the's my job to scatter all the wash cloths all over the house. We also got in a nice couple of two mile walks, and a couple of naps on the human bed. Gotta love that!

And top it all off, we woke up to snow this morning!!! Mum's charging up the video and digital cameras, right now! Hope to get some pawsome snow shots.

Hope you all had a really great, fun, restful weekend!


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