The Days of Johann - an agility dog!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

The Days of Johann - an agility dog!

Link to The Days of Johann, an agility dog!

Howling Howliday Contributor Spotlight - KoKos Pet Vitamin Shower!

Posted: 01 Dec 2009 10:25 AM PST

One of the pawsome contributors to Johann's Howling Howliday Giveaway is KoKos Pet Spa!

They have contributed one of their new Pet Vitamin Showers to our giveaway, and I have to say these get my four paw stamp of approval.

What' so great about the Pet Vitamin Shower? For one thing it's green and you know how much I love green!

Why is it green? The super cool shower head filters out 99.9% of the harmful chlorine and chloramine contained in tap water - that's the nasty stuff that makes your skin dry and scaly, and the exposure to those harmful chemicals, well, it isn't good for ya, especially in warmer water. And it has a water flow rate feature that uses 50% less water than traditional faucets and shower heads, helping to save the valuable resources we have available to us through this pawsome planet.

The shower head also includes optional massaging action, providing additional therapeutic benefits for pets. Who wouldn't like a nice massage when you have to suffer through a bath right? BOL!!

The other cool thing is they have a super neat holiday contest going on themselves! It's called "Clean Up For the Holidays" pet bath photo contest, and special Zoomie Award. And it's a great chance to not only win a Pet Vitamin Shower of your own (an $89.00 value) but you can win some other cool stuff like a bath toy, treats for being good, a bath robe and more. But the best part is you get a chance to win a charitable contribution to your favorite shelter or rescue up to $200! So not only are they green, but they give back too!

So what are you waiting for, sign up for their Holiday Pet Bath Contest and my Howling Howliday Giveaway and really rake it in for you and for your favorite shelter or rescue!


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