
Thursday, November 19, 2009


Breaking Mews! Cat Cam Shows Off What Cats Do At Home

Posted: 15 Nov 2009 10:32 AM PST

Yvonne Can't resist sharing this "Breaking Mews" with all my cat lover friends! Whoohoo! Friskies® (yes, that Friskies, the Purina® cat food Friskies) has a cat cam that is showing off some of the best videos on the net. Here's the scoop, mews...

Friskies, the cat food (a Purina product - and just 'cause I'm talking up Purina doesn't mean you should leave; Purina does lots of fun stuff, and besides...I feed Purina to Wabby, so I can brag if'n I wanna) recently launched "a first of its kind focus group". They gave 50 cat owners cameras to attach to their cat's collars. The idea was to help Friskies understand and answer the question, "What does my cat do when I'm not at home?"

Oh, but the results was interesting. The result of this study was that cats spend a lot of time watching out the window.

I wonder what the Wabby would think of that. You see, I'm home most of the day cause that's where IProofing_my_blog_post work...and we could attach a camera to her collar but all you'd see is...her underbelly. She pretty much sleeps all day.

I got her a perch once, so she could sit on it and look out the window and she totally ignored it. Sometimes she'll go in the kitchen and lie in the sun, watching out the sliding glass doors...but mostly, she'll sleep there, too. (I gave the perch away and the cat I gave it to loves it!)

Friskies-scratchingtonpost-pic The good person who alerted me to this study sent along her favorite pic and...I'm a little confused, it's not a cat!!! Ok..well, maybe the cat in this household prefers watching his dog sleep - or, wait, maybe he was spying on the dog! We all agree it is 'his' or 'her' dog, right? I mean, cats being cats and all. <LOL>

I love the idea. I love the site Friskies created. I refer you to the Friskies blog, The Scratchington Post, for more info. And, I invite you to join up and send in some video.



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