Posted: 15 Nov 2009 10:02 AM PST
We wrote about Wag World™ in our "Top 10 Togetherful Cities in America" last summer, and I just found out they have something new going on. Looks interesting so I thought I'd share. Everyone knows that Wag World is a Beneful® site (and therefore part of our sponsor, Purina pet food), right? Well, you do now.
That's our open and honest disclosure statement.
Let's move on to the good stuff. Wag World is offering the first 2,000 members who post content on a free Loofa™ dog toy. See pic. You can go to the site and join, then post a fav place on the map, write a review, upload a photo, and just be sociable. How hard is that?
The offer actually started on October 15th so...they are probably closing in on 2000 entries. You need to get over their today and add your stuff. (and then come tell us about it - we can share on twitter). The offer closes when they run out or on May 1st 2010.
Wag World is dog-friendly to the max, if you ask me. I just did a search on where to stay as we travel cross-country with the Wabby, and it gave me more than a dozen options that are pet-friendly! Okay, Wabby is a cat, not a dog, but really...the hotel/motels that are pet-friendly don't discriminate. And, cats are way easier to manage than dogs - in the sense that they kinda keep to themselves.
Anyone traveling with a pup, should visit this site and find out where to stay on layovers. It also has dog friendly parks and is a great place for YOU to share your pet-friendly locale so we can visit you, when we come to your town. Well, if we come to your town. Hey, you never know!
I like that the site is user-friendly, inviting, and gave me a reward (options on where to stay) within seconds of my search. It also has some good articles.
Now, I don't have a dog at the moment, so I am not in the market for the Loofa toy. But, I know lots and lots of you do have dogs...and you know your dog would go wild over this Loofa toy. So, get over there and make a big splash with your advice, pics, or whatever.
And, stay tuned. I will be sharing more pet friendly travel ideas as we move along on our trip. Now, Tom says I have to get back to packing. (and the Wabby is giving me the evil eye - all this commotion is not to her liking; wait till we get on the road! I bet she'll have a whole lot to say about being uprooted from her lovely, soft, cozy spot on the master bed!)
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