
Wednesday, September 16, 2009


My humans are out of control!

Posted: 15 Sep 2009 10:58 AM PDT

Mad_Wabby_Wibby This is the Wabby, again. I bet you didn't know I could spell's from all those books my Mom leaves around. She's always got her face stuck in a book, when she's not writing in her blog. Sometimes she even reads to me. I don't much pay attention, but I pick up stuff now and then.

Here's the scoop (Romeo, are you listening?) The house is all painty-smelling - it's like they went into every room and painted it a different color. Of course, I can't see colors all that well, so I don't know...I just know the paint cans were here, and now they're gone, but the painty-smell is not!

As if that isn't bad enough, the last few days my humans have invited complete strangers into MY house...and they walk around it like they own it! I am not pleased! Although I have made this obvious (I'm pretty good at wailing at the top of my lungs - right around 5 a.m.), they continue to pursue this path of destruction.

That's all it seems to me: destruction! New bed coverings. New furniture. New window stuff. Even a new kitchen floor (that I like, but don't tell them). To them it's all new. I hear them cooing, "I'm so glad we got this 'new' somethingorother," to one another. Meanwhile, here I am wondering what was wrong with all the old stuff? I had scented all that stuff, ya know!

Oh - get this, every time the new people come traipsing through my house, my humans hide my steps.PandorasSteps I'm a bit older than many of you - almost 17 I am - so, I do need a little help getting up on the couch and on the bed. I have steps to do that. But, when the strangers come in, my humans hide the steps! They even take my blanket off the couch and put these big, fluffy pillows there! Now, I like the pillows - but, I'm not allowed near them. Honestly, how am I supposed to get them scented if I can't get near them?

And, even more mysterious - the "boy" has disappeared. I am not sure what they did with him (Mom always calls him 'the boy' so I do, too), but I can tell he's not just 'away' - he's gone! When he's 'away', his stuff is still here, in his room. But now, his whole room is different! I can't find his smell anywhere, anymore. He's been here since I came to live with them, and now he's gone. It's quite upsetting.

I mean, what's a cat to think? Do you suppose I'm next!?!


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