The Days of Johann - an agility dog!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

The Days of Johann - an agility dog!

The art of rolling in yucky stuff!

Posted: 15 Aug 2009 06:06 AM PDT

Ahhh...rolling in yucky stuff, it's the best!!!

Why do dogs like to roll in yucky stuff? Some say it's instinct, a way for us to mask our own scent, so we can sneak up on prey and take 'em by surprise. Others say it's a way for us to communicate that we've found some yummy stuff!

Who knows, I just love to do it! And Mum is kind enough to let me do it all I want in our yard. Other places outside our yard are another matter, 'cause she doesn't know where those yucky things come from.

But then of course Mum sometimes has to get out the 4396508 water filter and clean me off. But she doesn't mind, she likes to let me be a dog!

So roll I do!!!! In my yard, every chance I get. My rolling technique? Sniff, nose dive, skim across with my entire body, rise up, shake, and repeat if necessary! Oh yeah!!!


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