
Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Who Says Cats Don't Show Affection?

Posted: 29 Jun 2009 08:53 AM PDT

CarmiePortraitSmall Whether or not cats show affection to their owners is a debate that seems to rage on and on. Those of us who have adorable, loving cats routinely defend the cat species as loving and attentive. Those who have only dogs, and have only met cats that are aloof, laugh at us and point fingers at the cats they know...who would never deign to sit upon a human lap.

Well, Tom and I spent 12 days in Colorado, returning home to Rochester, NY in the wee hours of the morning this past Saturday. (if this was a personal blog, I'd tell you about our not so great flight(s) home...but, that's for another blog - suffice it to say, fie on the airlines! Fie, fie, fie!)

Wabby - the resident Queenly kitty of the household - was fast asleep on our bed as we entered the house. She wakened right away and...she was very happy to see us! So there cat misunderstanders (I know, there's no such word)! Wabby meowed, sat up...she doesn't move as quickly as she used to...and she rightly and immediately asked for a treat.

Mind you, she was in good hands. My son took care of her, and he is very affectionate with her. She's a kitty that likes being petted and massaged. I'm sure he gave her lots of attention. I know he gave her lots of treats because he ran out and had to go to our favorite grocery chain, Wegmans, and get more. [the treats link is to the kind of treats my Wabby likes - after trying a number of treats, these are the ones she really goes for, that's why I linked to them]Pandora

Wabby has been extremely attentive since we got home. Not so much that she's acting as if she's afraid we'll leave again. She's not that far gone! But, she's hanging about...and yesterday she was watching me pretty closely. Right now she's asleep on the bed, having consumed her morning treats, and made herself comfortable near my pillow. Which is a problem because I'm actually allergic to her! (oh well, I'll just change the pillow case)

Granted, there are cats that aren't as friendly and loving as my Wabby. We had one, a bit ago. But, even HE had his favorite human (my daughter) and would curl up with her on a rainy afternoon, to get some warmth and loving.

Anyone who says cats aren't loving and caring and just as devoted to their pet people as dogs, doesn't know cats. Cats are very loving. And cuddly. And fun. So there.


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