
Monday, June 22, 2009


Bark in the Park - World's Shortest Dog Parade

Posted: 22 Jun 2009 04:08 PM PDT

Our visit to Erie, Colorado is coming to an end, later this week. Yes, we're sad. We love Colorado - and we love the Bark in the Park Event, as described in this post written on June 17th. The event was held last Saturday, June 20th. We have several videos to share. In this one, you get to see "The World's Shortest Dog Parade." Notice how well-behaved the dogs are. I don't know if that's an Erie thing, or if it's because many of these dogs are repeat visitors to the parade.

You'll see my daughter and granddaughter with Twiggy, the black Grey-hound, and Koa, the sandy-colored mix... Koa belongs to a friend of my daughter's. We were "dog-sitting" all week. Let me tell you - the two dogs took to each other like bees to honey. They were fun and exhausting. Both are just young'uns, so play was a big part of their day. And, jumping on the beds if we left the doors open. (really, dogs know where the comfy furniture is...and they'll use it, if you aren't looking!)


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