
Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Bark in the Park at Coal Creek Park in Erie, CO

Posted: 17 Jun 2009 08:33 AM PDT

CarmiePortraitSmall Here we are in sunny (tho sometimes stormy, this year) Erie, Colorado. Where life is good. The weather is generally good, and the people are friendly and approachable. A truly nice place to be.

On Saturday, we'll be taking the now HUGE - no, really, compared to her puppy staus of last year, Twiggy the gorgeous, as I will call her forevermore, to Bark in the Park, an event being held at Coal Creek Park from 9 a.m. till noon. Tom and Chloe attended last can see the story here along with some video Tom took.

This is one of the things I truly love about visiting my daughter here - this is a dog-friendly town to the max.

You can take your dog just about anywhere (as long as he or she is well-behaved and on a leash).

At the Bark in the Park they will be having events like the 25-yard dash (wonder who will win that? unless there's another Greyhound there, Twiggy is a shoe-in - provided she will 'dash' for us.)

Other events include Toy Catch, Treat Catch, Frisbee Throw & Catch, and Pet Look-a-Like Contest.Twiggy-too-big We'll try to get some video or pictures of that one, for sure! LOL (hey, don't tell Chloe, my daughter, but she and Twiggy could enter - they're both skinny and dark-haired, but strong and gorgeous!)

There will also be a demonstration, like last year, of the Colorado Disc Dogs and Scent Trackers of the Rocky Mountains.

All pets must have current vaccinations, of course. And, pet parents must remember to pick up after their pets. Also, no retractable leashes! Safety is of the utmost importance.

Maybe we'll see some of you there?


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