
Friday, June 12, 2009


Summer Safety Tips in Your Own Backyard

Posted: 12 Jun 2009 10:01 AM PDT

CarmiePortraitSmall Now that our dogs and cats (supervised, one hopes) are enjoying the great outdoors with us, it's time to look at what that means from a different perspective. Specifically, I'm talking about looking at life from the dog's or cat's point of view - right down there at grass level.

Personally, I'm not a big lawn person. We prefer concrete or rock gravel. I mean, how many hours are lost mowing your lawn? And, didn't God create grass to grow - so, why do we always mow it? I bet God is shaking His head wondering why we don't appreciate His marvelous contribution to the environment. Last year we let our backyard go a bit wild, and we got a citation from the town. Apparently, our neighbors are not into the environment. They're into manicured lawns. I should send them the note from the link above - where God asks St. Peter why humans don't respect His good works.

Well, over at PawLuxury, a great pet site, you can learn some good tips on how to take care of your lawn without using harsh chemicals.

For instance, PawLuxury advises using "lemons, egg shells, and banana as the secret ingredient to your fertilizer." They say, and I believe them, that "Homemade fertilizer is a great way to give your lawn & garden the essential nutrients that your plant and grass are shouting for." And, keep your dog and cat healthy. (my yard doesn't talk to me, though...does yours?)

PawLuxury also mention chocolate mulch. Who knew? Apparently, "Many gardeners use cocoa bean shells to landscape their yards & gardens." This, of course, is not good for dogs or cats. It's a near bet that if you use such mulch, your dog will happily consume it...and maybe your cat will give it some thought, too. Wabby has a sweet tooth...she'd definitely give it a taste.Maine-coon-cat-facts

Since this is a HUGE no-no, I say make sure your gardener, or yourself, whoever takes care of the yard, does not fall prey to using this product, no matter how good it smells to you! I like that PawLuxury signs off with a link to the Pet Poison Hotline. It's something we should all have on our cell phones or taped to our landline phones.

Keep your dog and cat happy and healthy in the great outdoors that is your yard. That much of the environment is truly in your control.


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