German Shepherd Dogs were primarily bred for herding cattle, and they still carry the heritage. The unflagging popularity of the breed has marked spaces for them in the apartments too! German Shepherd Dogs are actually not for apartments and small houses; they require a lot of space to move around in their room and outside. If you're considering a GSD for a pet or for guarding purpose one issue you'll want to consider is whether you will be able to keep him in your apartment or should you consider not to bring him at all if you are a permanent apartment dweller. Remember, German Shepherd Dogs living in the flats in urban areas are not happy. Rural living is preferred if you have one or more German Shepherd Dogs. Usually the rural atmosphere, freshness and vastness of space welcome these dogs. I have seen a lot of my acquaintances keeping GSDs in flats and apartments, but these dog are give sufficient exercises. They are relatively inactive indoors and do best with at least a large yard. If you are planning to bring a German Shepherd puppy in your apartment the first thing you need to look for is whether you will be able to provide him space for exercise. If you have a big yard in front of your house, nothing more is required.

You can't find ponds and pools in cities, near your apartment as easily as they are found in rural areas. Swimming is a great exercise for German Shepherds. Most important thing about swimming is that it's a mode of rational treatment for Degenerative Myelopathy. Walking and swimming are the two most effective forms of exercises that must be given to German Shepherd Dogs. Swimming develops muscle tone and allows movement without stress on joints and helps the dogs in many ways even beyond mere heeling. Long brisk walking is another most important thing that would maintain your dogs heal and mind. Walking along the rural paths is preferred as it keeps your dog away from inhaling the pollution that is too common in city regions. Dogs live long amidst freshness and green!

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