
Monday, May 25, 2009


Darby the German Shepard: Finding Home

Posted: 25 May 2009 09:08 AM PDT

CarmiePortraitSmall Imagine you're a puppy - ok, a grown dog, but even grown dogs are puppies, at times (much the same way our children, even though adults, are still 'kids' to us) - and your Mom or Dad, or both, goes away. Leaves you home with family...good folks who take good care of you.

Imagine that you're a bit used to this as Mom and/or Dad, your pack leaders, do this once in awhile. You don't like it. You don't understand it. But, the good folks who take care of you are okay... and you are pretty sure Mom and Dad will be back. Someday.

Because you're a dog, 'someday' means...a long, long time from now. Because you're a dog, and Mom and Dad are your pack leader(s)...every moment they are away, out of site, out of smell, is a lifetime. Because you're a dog, you measure time in milliseconds, in stretches of emptiness that leave you feeling abandoned and lonely, but you can't really express those feelings to the people who are taking care of you. You can eat the good food your care-giving folks offer you, and you can sleep, but you can't understand time, so you have no way of knowing that your pack leaders will be a day or two, or a week or two. You only know you wake up every day expecting them to be back. And, they aren't.

Now, imagine...

that something happens to Mom and/or Dad. Imagine on this trip they've taken without you, something horrible horrible, it means they are never coming back. Who can explain that to you? Who can give you that information in dog language? No one. As far as you know, Mom and Dad went away, without you, and you want them back, at all costs. 

Imagine being that dog and you have the story of Darby the German Shepard.

Then, imagine a tool like Twitter coming to the rescue. A group of pet lovers on Twitter are trying to find Darby a good home. Darby is confused, to say the least. She's a 7 yo German Shepard and not used to being around other animals, so the stories go... and that means she needs a home of her own. Maybe she could get used to other animals, we don't know. But, under the circurmstances, given what Darby has been through, it would be wonderful to find her a home where she can reign as Queen. Darby-the-german-shepard-dog

Right now Darby is in Portland, Ore, and the call is out over all over the net to find her a home. To that end, Pet Relocation a company that helps relocate pets has offered to ship Darby wherever she needs to go, to her new home. This is what they do, door-to-door delivery - humanely, carefully, with great attention to the pet's needs, and the pet parent's wishes.

I wanted to write about this today, on this day of honoring our veterans of war. Many of whom brought home stories of the dogs they met, the dogs they worked with, the dogs they wanted to bring back with them, to the U.S. I write this to ask if anyone reading this blog knows of a good home for Darby. Oh, would that I could take her - but the Wabby, settled in her 16 year old ways, would not be appreciative of a new dog...especially one not accustomed to cats.

Can anyone help? Please share on your blogs, or on your twitter stream,  @DarbytheGSD is the handle. The links in this post go to more details on the story. The question is: can social media help Darby find a new home? 

I think it can. But, time is running out. Spread the news, please.


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